Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Accessibility

Provided by The Town of Andover, MA, and other resources:

the roib center

 Elderly and Disabled Tax Fund

Elderly and Disabled Tax Refund

Application: Here


ATV Using Closed Captions

ATV Using Closed Captions

Andover TV, with support from the Town of Andover, is proud to make closed captioning services available to our viewers.

Andover TV, with support from the Town of Andover, is proud to make closed captioning services available to our viewers. Captioning is now offered on most of our Video On Demand content as well as select live broadcasts through Comcast, Verizon, and our live streams. Please click below for instructions. (PDF Document.)

ATV Using Closed Captions



Assistive Listening

Assistive Listening

Assistive Listening

Available at Town Meetings and will                                        

be available in conference rooms.

Use with smartphones.

Can do amplified audio or text closed captioning.

Assistive Listening



Project Lifesaver

Project Lifesaver

Project Lifesaver

Project Lifesaver relies on proven radio technology and a specially trained search and rescue team. Clients who, are enrolled in the Project Lifesaver program wear a personalized wristband that emits a tracking signal. When caregivers notify 911 that the person is missing, a search and rescue team responds to the wanderer’s area and starts searching with the mobile locator tracking system. Search times have been reduced from hours and days to minutes. Nationwide in over 4,223 searches, Recovery times average less than 30 minutes.

Contact: 978-475-0411 Police Business Office  Learn more about Project Lifesaver at Project Lifesaver


My Own Voice

My Own Voice (MOV) is a community-based choir for children and adults with cognitive and physical disabilities.    My Own Voice

They meet weekly in Andover. If you would like more information please contact Bernadette Lionetta:  More Information: Here

Residential Lock Box Program

Initially introduced and funded by the Commission on Disability. The Andover Fire Rescue is proud to be responsible for the implementation of the Residential Lock Box Program. The goal of this program is to assist Firefighters and Emergency Service Personnel in gaining rapid entry into your home in the event of an emergency, saving time and property by eliminating the need for forced entry


Application: Here




Disability Indicator Form for 911 calls

For mobility, hearing, speech, and sight-impaired residents.

The information provided on the disability indicator form enables a special code to appear on the 911 call takers screen which alerts the call taker that a person residing at that address may require special assistance during an emergency.

Andover’s system also allows people to individually register with the Police Department by filling out a 911 “Disability Indicator Form” available at the 911 Dispatch office or on the Web:

Check all that apply to indicate that someone at the address:

“LSS” Life Support System: has equipment required to sustain their life.

“MI” Mobility Impaired is bedridden, wheelchair user, or has another mobility impairment.

“B” Blind: is legally blind.

“DHH” Deaf or Hard of Hearing: is deaf or hard of hearing.

“TTY”: communication via the phone may be by TTY.

“SI” Speech Impaired has a speech impairment.

“CI” Cognitively Impaired: is cognitively impaired.

Registration:  Disability Indicator Program Form 

Mail or drop off at the Public Safety Center or Email to Chuck Jessico, Dispatch Supervisor:

Any questions call Chuck at: 978-475-0411 X3028

Electrically powered life support equipment in Andover: Register with National Grid

Customers who depend on electrically powered life support equipment, such as a respirator, should register as a life support customers by calling

National Grid at 1-800-322-3223. (In a medical emergency, always dial 911.)

Electrical Outages and questions can also be reported by calling 1-800-465-1212


Free ID for those who don’t have Drivers Licenses

(Alternative to Registry of Motor Vehicles Issued ones)

Issued by the Sheriff’s office in conjunction with the TRIAD Program

Available once or twice a year at the Center at the Robb Center (Andover’s Senior Center) Call for more info: 978-623-8320

Ongoing / Completed Projects

Municipal Property Site Visits

The Commission performs ADA Compliance Reviews for new construction and renovations of municipal property.Municipal buildings

Most recently, the Municipal Services Facility, the Andover Youth Center, and Bancroft school were reviewed for ADA compliance.


Playgrounds Accessibilityplayground

We were involved in the complete renovation of the Ballardvale playground by providing expertise in the planning stages and contributing funding for ADA-accessible equipment and pathways for Andover residents and visitors. The town is committed to upgrading 1 playground per year including ADA Accessibility.


Basic Access:Basic Access

Make private homes ‘visitable’ providing 1 entrance with no step, first floor wide halls, doors min 32” and bathroom access

Brochure: BasicAccess in Every New House

Curb Cuts

curb cutAs Identified the Commission submits to the Department of Public Works a list identifying curb cut problems based on the requirements of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 2010).


Emergency Preparedness

emergency suppliesIn collaboration with state initiatives, the State Department of Health, and the Homeland Security Program, commission members are attending various emergency preparedness programs locally, regionally, and at the state level. We will be working closely with the Andover Board of Health, Andover Police and Fire and regional emergency personnel to revise and implement disaster plans. Our focus is on the needs of people with disabilities during and after evacuations from either natural or man-made disasters. This effort is part of our mission statement and a high priority for the coming year.

  • Federal Government Emergency Preparedness Information:
  • Disability Policy Consortium (an organization of volunteer disability rights activists who share a common goal of equal opportunity for all individuals with disabilities) planning.

Main Street Access Project 2004-2007

Main Street Access ProjectIn anticipation of the Main Street Project, the Commission’s sub-committee on Access has conducted a study of the accessibility of businesses with a Main Street address, particularly during the Main Street renovations, so that all citizens and visitors to Andover can benefit from the improvements to our town.

Accessibility Study of Businesses With Main Street Addresses

Other Resources

Commission on Disability Link to Town’s Web Site: Here

Andover Memorial Hall Library Services for People with Disabilities:  Here

Robb Center (Andover Senior Center): Here

 M.V.R.T.A. Extended Hours Program220px-MVRTA_logo

The Merrimack Valley Regional Transportation Authority (M.V.R.T.A) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) “EZ Trans” service’s Sunday Andover Extended Hours program is now accessible to passengers who use wheelchairs. The Sunday Extended Hours program is an origin-to-destination reserved service that is open to seniors and residents with disabilities of Andover who have been pre-approved to ride with the EZ Trans service. The Andover Extended Hours program runs every Sunday except holidays between the hours of 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM. All transportation must be within the town of Andover or between Andover addresses and The Loop in Methuen. All reservations for the Andover Extended Hours program must be pre-booked by 4:30 PM on the Thursday prior to the requested trip. Please call (978) 469-6878 option 3 if you have any questions regarding this or any other M.V.R.T.A. EZ Trans service.

Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Bus Transportation Accessibility

The Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA) provides accessible transportation to persons with disabilities and does not discriminate on the basis of disability as it relates to the provision of public transportation services provided by the Authority.   For additional information please call (978) 469-MVRTA (6878)The MVRTA’s ADA EZ Trans Service

Document:  Here

M.V.R.T.A Commuting Information

Masons H.E.L.P. Program Free Equipment Loan (wheelchairs, crutches, etc…)mason_symbol

The Hospital Equipment Loan Program (HELP) of The Masons has moved to Masonic Building, 500 West Cummings Park (Rear) – Suite 1150
(Washington Street), Woburn, MA 01801,  HELP provides medical equipment for loans for home use. Drop off and pick up on Saturday Mornings, 9-12. For more information, call 781-322-1052 on Saturday a.m.

Andover’s Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Grievance Procedure Here  (see Page 128)

Accessible Massachusetts