The Andover Commission on Disability and the Massachusetts Office on Disability agree that Haggett’s Pond Rail Trail currently does not meet accessibility standards. The links below include listings of relevant documents on Haggett’s Pond Rail Trail.

There is currently no accessible entrance and no accessible parking spaces.

This is a beautiful location to share with people of all abilities. 

The relatively flat railroad bed makes this area so desirable for development as an accessible trail.

Add Link at the top of the page before the Pictures:

Haggetts Pond Rail Trail | Andover, MA

HPT ConComm Poster Justim Jr Sr

Poster Justin Jr Sr

Poster Matt Jr Katherine

Poster Matt Jr Katherine


A.C.O.D  at Haggetts Pond Rail Trail

 Matt Jr Katherine

Matt Jr Katherine

Poster Eileen Trish

Poster Eileen Trish